Thursday, August 4, 2011

To Cut or Not to Cut?

A man can have his hair cut pretty much whenever and wherever.  They're not picky like us.  Women have to plan it, look at magazines, ask their girlfriends for advice, decide on color, ask a million people "who does your hair?" and all that jazz.  Around here in Longview, you can get a hair cut, highlight and style for about $85 and up.  And to maintain proper hair maintenance, that means you have to go every 6 weeks.  It can add up right?

Over the years I have pretended to be a hairstylist.  No, I have no formal training.  I have been every color under the moon - well maybe not pink, blue or purple, but definitely white, brown, just about black, red, a mossy green and a combo of all of these colors.  The mossy green would have been caused by either swimming pool chemicals, but most likely because I was trying to go "darker" and that brown on the cover of the Loreal box was the "perfect" color and I would look fabulous in about 30 minutes.  WRONG!  Been there, done that MANY times and now I just shell out the dough.  Although, I am always tempted to go down the hair color aisle at Wal-Mart.

And yes I'm a cutter.  Whenever I get upset, that's just what I do.  Cut my hair that is.  By myself.  Me and a mirror and pair of cheap scissors.  I remember when I was younger I saw this lady who had her hair "stacked" in the back, and I just knew I could do that.  So at my Goggie's house, I got the scissors.  I ended up in the garden with my Aunt Jenny trying to fix it.  That was the first neckline hair cut.  Needless to say, the stack didn't work!  I have become stronger and have fought the urge to do my own hair cutting when I'm stressed, but don't put it past me to cut my bangs or a twig that the hairstylist left. 

This brings me to Brooklyn.  All this week, she has been offering hair appointmentss, massages, manicures and pedicures.  And the girl is dirt cheap.  I think my first appointment included a beautiful hair style (should have taken a picture) and a back massage for 50 cents.  REALLY??  Who does that?  She's been trying to save money for a sideways purse as she calls it.  I had another appointment the very next day - this included another hairstyle and a foot massage.  This only costs me $1.00, but she told me I could tip generously!  Ok, I only gave her $5.  I'm a cheapscape :(  Somewhere during these appointments she got an extra couple of dollars too!

Carey had a hair appointment on Tuesday.  He's a big spender!  He gave her $25.00!  But really, I think it was priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Man, if I lived closer, I'd hire her to give me one of those back massages!
    :-) She is so precious.
